Saturday, January 9, 2010



Im so so sad right now, so sad, I cant take this anymore Lord, Im such a sinner, Im such a betrayer, Jesus....

What I should do Jesus, Please tell me, and yes, I promise you, I will do whatever you tell me, but how to hear or look for your answer O Lord? Im so confused now, I've been so far away from you Lord, Im so empty, so empty, I dont know what Im gonna do now, Please help me Jesus, Please....Please protect me O Lord, guide me, and lead me again to you ... because I really cant stand this anymore...

Im really so sorry Jesus


  1. Just, live your life... You were given life for a reason and it wasn't to become obsessed with that which, by it's nature, mere mortals can not understand. Be yourself and be proud, live every day for you, your unwavering faith is virtually infallible, and to not enjoy every breath as if it is your last, without guilt, without empityness is surely an insult to existance itself? Don't be sorry, be glad!

  2. My quote ;

    We as humans are not infallible for we sinneth and makes mistakes. That is part of who and what we are.

    But we are special because we can turn to the Lord for forgiveness and to seek his wisdom , guidance and love. Surely he is loving and wiser than we all are.

    If you truly repent , he shall never turn you away. It is simple as that , but do not make it abusive and habitual to sin and we must learn from our mistakes.

    Ok ? Ciao

  3. I already did a refutation to your post on my blog, do check it out dear.

    Xin nian kuai le!
