Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today Vs Past

Im married.

I still feel a bit puzzled. Perhaps asking myself if Im dreaming, sometimes. Finally. Ive never thought that I will marry to this guy of my life. Maybe Ive always thought I dont deserve someone as good as my husband. But thank God.. looking back, I cant think of anything except that thanking God for arranging everything for me. Giving me, perfecting my soul. Oh God, I wanna worship you, wanna serve you, want to be the women you desire me to be. I want to walk with you, walk for you. Please remind me that your my daily breath and the only food I ever wanted.


I really wish and wish that you can bless my marriage with a child. A child of my own, of our own.

Always be with me Jesus because Im gonna be lost without you.. I need you every single second. I love you Abba Father... just wanna thank you Jesus for all that youve given me...

Your Child

Monday, September 1, 2014

Life is so short

A thousands years by Christina Perri pictures the love of vampires that already lived thousands years. Yesterday, my husband sing this song and I ask him will you love me a thousand years. He answered me more than that. We look at each other and realized how short how short is life... 100 years? I doubt it.. Life is so short. Jesus, Im worried. Im very scared. MH370, MH17 really make me realize how short is life. We, human planned everything without knowing whats happening next. Im trying to get back to you, reading bible, writting this small diaries hoping too whoever in the world who share the same thought with me may read this. Its really sad to know that Im sinning each day. I feel so insecure especially during the nights. The loneliness i felt, deep inside my heart, the uncertainty. Not many people may understand why I worried so much but Im very scared to picture myself dying without you Jesus and that is the fact. God please help me. I really hope that I can repent and be born again. So that I can bring my loved ones to you too. Please minister to me and my loved ones O Lord. Please Lord keep me in your arms, hold my hands, please be with me..do not give up on me. Teach me to love you, over and over again. I read Your Word today..Love is kind, Love is patient, Love do not keep wrong records, Love perserves, perfect love casts fear away. How much how much I need this word.... Dear Lord, Please remind me about your love everyday in my life.. Please plant this kind of love in my heart. Chloe

Friday, April 26, 2013

Jesus Heart

A letter to God Dear God, Everyday Ive seen news on bombing, people being killed, accidents, incidents, suiciding. O God, It burdened my heart so so much. Indeed Im so scared, so scared of even to think about dying and not seeing your face. Im so sad seeing and knowing people dying without knowing you, without accepting you, without repenting. Lord..save us O Lord. Lord, I want to be your channel to reaching out people. Ive been so disobedient to you. I know you must feel much more burdened than i do, than i feel. Jesus, Im sorry. Save us Jesus..Please shield protection over this country..all over the world. Keep us all into your hug, in the palm of your hand. Our deepest desire, our hurts, our minds.. you know it all dear Lord. Draw me near to you, open my eyes to see you, touch my heart so I feel the way you do, cleanse my ear so I hear you, make my every single day to live for you, to walk, to eat, to talk, to do everything for you. I give myself away so you can use me. Father, Please take away all my selfishness. Make my deepest desire You. To be with you forever and ever.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Another letter to you

urghhh, hmmm, here i am again dear diary, writting a letter to you. Im burdened again. 3 weeks just seems so long for me, and its only the third day now. I wish I can be more normal sometimes. Im really hoping I can be a nicer person tho Lord....

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dear God

Dear God, I know no matter how many times Im gonna ask you. You are just going to answer me one thing which is 'Do not worry' eheh. Hmmm. Well, still worried ahahh. I wish I can be a lil more serious about my career, my life and YOU. sigh.. Why Im sooo hmmm useless.. well, well, thats what I feel now anyway. I feel like Im wasting my everyday without doing anything. I feel extremely bored everyday, scared and yet I didnt do anything about it. Well, you see, my biggest problem is money :( really wish I could do something about it. God, I really wish I can take over this house rental contract. Dear God, please bless ma life. I know your blessing me all the way already. Give me courage to face all these new things and every new day and I wanted to love you more and more day by day. I know theres so many obstacle waiting me out there each day. Dont leave me Lord. Im learning to invite you more and more into my life. Jesus, I love you. I read some article last few days. Haha. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. It cheers me up actually bahahax. I should learn to trust you more and more each day by day. Somehow in my heart I know I overcome because I have you here to bless me. I wish I can learn to be more like you. A helpful kind and beautiful from inner me. Jesus. Your gonna help me right? I wanna thank you for the nice riceeee.. hehe. nice food, and most important I wake up alive. Guess my biggest wish is really to make it to heaven to be with you. I have so many wishes in my heart, so many , so many. Wanted you to be there with me in my every second, every wish, and every thought. Be with me Jesus... Love ya :) Miss ya :) <3<3<3

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Goodnite Jesus,

Thank you for everything. Protect me ya Jesus <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012

IMAGINE ME WITHOUT YOU (With Lyrics) - Jaci Velasquez

Happy New Year Jesus!!

Thank you because You give me breath right here right now 2012 hehe. Your really so good to me. Years passed. Time passed. And right at this moment Im here writting to you. I love you. Youve always been my first love, always there deep in my heart. I really couldnt imagine my life without you. Haha! Am I flirting with you too right now?? I love you Daddy. Thank you for giving me eyes to see you and your wonders. Thank you for giving me ears letting me hear wonderful songs about you, claiming you, praising you. Thank you for giving me nose to smell nice foods, smell your wonderfully arted work. Thank you!! Thank you!! I know youve always been there for me. You are always the One appeared when I need help, when Im deeply hurt, when I feel damn lonely. Ive never realized how much I need you. Im so confused. Jesus, your too beautiful seriously hehe. I keep searching for hugs, for that warmth, sigh,, found non... I need you!! Walk with me now and forever after...

Happy New Year (^_^)